Dec 08 2007

Moylan’s Hopsickle Imperial Ale.

Published by at 10:49 pm under Beer Expedition

I was craving a hoppy beer, so I went down to the new BevMo to see what they had. I told them I wanted something very hoppy. They pointed out a few, but I like the namehopdickle.jpg  Hopsickle, so I picked that one. It had a nice amber color, frothy head, aroma of Cascade hops. I love the smell and taste of Cascade Hops. A good bitter taste, a very well balanced flavor, just what I was in the mood for. The finish was kind of piney, but I like that very nice indeed. This was a splendid beer, I cant what to go back to BevMo and try the other  beers they pointed out.

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