Dec 07 2007


Published by at 3:57 pm under Beer News

I know this might not seem to be a big deal to some of you but to me it’s huge. A new BevMo! opened today. The reason it is such a big deal is, its close by. I no longer have to go all over chasing down beer I am hoping this new store will have every thing I need. bevmo.jpgIf you don’t know what BevMo! is, It’s a store that sells Beverages and More, where some stores might have half an isle of beer, they have isles. They had A whole section and most of it was just California craft beers. There was another that was all imports. I think this store is going to help me with my Quest.     1775 N. Victory Place Burbank, CA91502US Phone:(818) 847-2175 Fax: (818) 847-2177       View store Information

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