Jan 27 2008
Beer Bread
It is one of those rare rainy days in southern California. Normally I would like to brew a batch of beer on a day but all of my carboys are full, so I decided on trying something else. When I was younger I thought it was fun to take a cheep can of beer and a couple of cups of flower a little salt and some other ingredients and make a loaf of bread.I was in the store and found Firenza Beer Bread Mix. This time instead of going cheep I decided to go with something better. I have always like Newcastle Brown Ale and I happened to have a can of it in my frig, so thats what I used. The recipe calls for a table soon of finly ground coffee,
A table spoon of sugar,
A tea spoon of
cinnamon , the Firenza Beer Bread Mix,
which as far as I can tell is just flower and maybe a little salt, and the final most important ingredient the one containing the water and yeast, the BEER!
Mix it all up,
put it in a bread pan,
throw it in the oven for a little under an a hour
Then you have yourself a nice tasty treat. Next rainy day I think I will make beer pizza dough.
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